Discussion: Rating Systems for Books

Hello Bookworms!

I recently found a super interesting post (and subsequent Twitter thread) about star ratings for books. The original post was “Rating My Books” by Martjin Hartman (@MartjinHartman) on his blog thedaybeforeyoucame.com. The post really made me think about how I apply ratings to my own book reviews and how much use they really are. I hope Martjin doesn’t mind me using his blog as inspiration but I had quite a few thoughts of my own that I wanted to share…

In the original post, Martjin asked if there was a better system than a one to five number rating. Now, I’ve seen a lot of you use different ways to rate books – everything from breaking down the book into constituent parts (characters, plot etc.) then working out an average (3.7686543 out of 5!) to using letters (B+ etc.) to ignoring star (or heart, or bananas) ratings entirely. But which way is best? FIGHT!!! Let’s discuss…

If you use a rating system, they can be arbitrary, entirely dependant on your mood at the time and can seem crass if you’re talking about a book that covers a sensitive topic (these war poems were great! Five stars!). You also have the issue of interpretation, where you might see two stars as ok-ish but others may think that you mean terrible. One way round that could be to publish a disclaimer explaining your rating system but I don’t think many people will go searching for it before reading your review. 

Not using a rating system seems like an obvious solution but I quite like having a numeric distillation of my thoughts and feelings – not least because it allows me to easily identify which books I loved/hated for end of year stats!

Now, I don’t want to get too philosophical here but I do think there’s an overarching issue with rating systems that I’ve struggled to get my head around and that’s who is this rating actually for? Obviously, I’m going to rate a book based on my experience of it but because a numerical rating can be taken so out of context it does feel I’m saying 4/5 stars – read this book! or one star – this book is awful! when actually what I’m saying is I liked/disliked this book and if you’re like me, you might enjoy/not enjoy it too. That’s an incredibly difficult idea to convey using quantitative data.

For example, my last review (The Secret Loves of Geek Girls) was really difficult to write and score. I know that I’d absolutely recommend the book to certain people because it’s a well written, fun anthology but I personally failed to connect with it. I didn’t want to put anyone off reading it by giving a low rating, but equally to score it highly would be disingenuous. What number out of five can you give to reflect that? 

The answer is…I don’t know. There are so many problems with rating systems and yet I still kind of like them. Personally, I favour the use of half stars to give a bit more variance but I do tend to stick to the 1-5 rating system (1=terrible, 2.5=average, 3=good, 5=OMG-couldn’t-put-it-down-got-completely-lost-in-it-didn’t-realise-it’s-now-2am). However, I think that slapping a number on a book without somehow showing my working out is a bit, well, arbitrary so I also include a little summary passage explaining my reasons (including whether I think this is a great for you but not for me book). 

AND THAT’S THE BEST I’VE GOT. It’s not perfect (don’t get me started on whether to round up or down half stars for NetGalley/Goodreads or what to do with books I’ve DNF’d) but it seems to work for me.

So, what rating system do you use – if you use one at all? Have you encountered any of the problems that I’ve mentioned above? Let me know in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Discussion: Rating Systems for Books

  1. I’ve been thinking about this so much recently this is a very interesting post. I’ve been leaning toward not rating them anymore and simply leaning toward would I recommend it or not and here’s why and to who. Something I hope to have figured out by the New Year 🙂

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  2. hehehe well I’m obviously in favour of bananas 😉 And yeah there are times when I hold the bananas- cos it can seem a bit crass for some books. I do have a disclaimer on my blog and try to make it clear that my rating system is entirely subjective- but even though I’ve brought it up a few times and try to explain in the review, a lot of the time people just assume that the book is terrible (unless I’m giving it one banana or a banana peel- chances are then it’s just a bit shit 😉 ) I personally agree- I love having a rating system- I kind of find it useful for me mostly- a lot of the time it can just be a good way to sort my books (especially on goodreads). Sometimes though, it’s super tough to put a rating- especially when it’s something in the middle- so I really relate there. Oh rounding up or down is always a huge issue for me! Really great discussion- sorry for prattling on- I just love this topic and seeing how people do their rating systems/choose not to!

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    1. Well, there’s always one isn’t there 😉. A banana peel? That’s harsh! Yeah I love being able to look back and be easily able to identify which books deserve more shouting about, especially as I only record everything longhand in a notebook.

      I totally stole the idea for the post from someone else but thank you! 😊

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